Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Once Burned . . .

In the "Once Burned . . ." short story/mini-section of Victor Niederhoffer's The Education of a Speculator, the Depression's lasting effect on some of Niederhoffer's relatives is explained:
I realized now that men of Martin's generation, who lost everything in the Depression, were traumatized by the vivid memories of their losses. In addition to their focus on the wrong companies, these men suffered from psychological maladies that had even worse consequences for their bank balances. (pp 48)

He goes on to explain how Depression's one-time event detrimentally influenced investing decisions much later on, even though nothing the scale of the Depression's magnitude ever occurred again.

Sometimes, gay people who have been traumatized by bullying in their childhoods truly believe and are terrorized by thoughts of being attacked again as adults. This valid and understandable thinking leads to great obstacles and impairment in everyday living and striving for personal goals.

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