Saturday, July 12, 2008

Willie Suggs

This New York Magazine article on Harlem real estate broker Willie Suggs caputured my imagination.

She bought a house in the early 1980s for $50 000, but collected $1500 in rents every month! And her mortgage payment was cheaper than her own rent at the time! She really saw the value! Bill Greene and Robert Kiyosaki would've been proud of her =). I wonder if opportunities like this still exist . . .

Also, she grew up in Milwaukee, after her family moved up from the South. When I passed through, I thought Milwaukee was an absolutely beautiful town. It is right on the lake, and there is that stunning Santiago Calatrava waterfront art museum. Milwaukee is definitely a place I'd like to live for awhile, and I wonder how it influenced Ms. Suggs.

When queried by the New York magazine reporter "about the argument that blacks as a class have been economically discriminated against—and are therefore being disproportionately pushed out," this was Willie's response:

“Bull crap! That’s bull crap. Nobody stops you from paying 50 cents for the Post, 50 cents for the Daily News, $1.25 for the New York Times. Guess what they have? They have articles on real estate! They have a real-estate pullout section! If you simply read it, you say, ‘Oh, there’s a program. If I take four classes, a total of eight hours in this class, sponsored by Harlem congregational churches, right? I can get up to $70,000 free.’ It’s called a grant. Now, if you had $70,000, do you know what Willie could sell you? We sold a five-and-a-half-room co-op for $90,000. All he needed was $20,000. I’ve been privileged to speak to those classes in the last year, and there are black folks in there, there’s white folks in there, there’s foreign-born people in there. And I’m thinking, Well, why isn’t the class all black? Because a whole bunch of black folks, for whatever reason, just don’t bother to go. So what’s your excuse now? I just told you where you can get $70,000. You don’t need any money!”

Although I suspect I might be intimidated by her (her legal problems and community complaints are detailed in the article), Ms. Suggs is definitely someone I'd like to meet.

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